Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Footprint in the sand

"Arrr," screaming out loud, 
"Why me, why now?"  

Dragging my tormented body, 
Thudding down on a log,
At English Bay Beach, 
Davie street Vancouver,

Staring at the ocean, 
Eyes filled 
With sorrow 
Anger tears, 

Corporate dick scams, 
Paying my eight-ball adventures,
Funding my Davie-street 
Fucking overtures

Caught up with me 
In the end,
This ship will 
Sail asea

Corporate dick scams,
Paying my advocates bills,
Funding my fuck-off 

Caught up with me 
In the end,
This ship will 
Sail asea

One more last time,
I pop my leg 

On the mind ocean
Slipping myself 
One last mickey

In the end,
All I left 
Was but 
A footprint 
In the sand

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